Paola Graduated as an Architect in Venezuela in 2006. She worked 8 years in the development of Contemporary Architecture buildings in Venezuela. During this period, she focused on the development of medium and large scale commercial buildings, managing multidisciplinary teams and working with corporate clients. Since 2015 she has been dedicated to the design of retail projects, and worked as an outsourcing architectural developer for Design Curacao. In 2021 she also began working as an outsourcing architectural developer for high-income residential projects in the US.
To date, Paola has developed around 295,000 m2 of projects of various kinds.
Paola has studies in Work Team Coordination (Metropolitan University of Venezuela + IGEZ, 2015), Design Thinking (Virginia University-Darden School of Business + Boston Consulting Group 2021), and User Experience methods, and has also participated in several competitions in which she gained a lot of experience in the design of cultural and educational buildings.
Paola has been part of teams whose work has been recognized nationally and internationally.